Global health Uganda 2018: Where are we now?

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Introduction: OSU-COM students and physicians have been traveling to Sister Rosemary’s in Gulu, Uganda to both learn about and assist in Ugandan healthcare since 2015. There have been many positive changes on Sister Rosemary’s compound with the addition of a birthing center and expansion of the health care clinic throughout the years. These additions have improved access to health care in Gulu and surrounding towns. We set out to analyze the current prevalence of disease and demographics in Gulu and Atiak in order to better understand and help the Ugandan people. Our research allows for tailoring of future health care education programs and distribution of research on future trips.

Research Question: What is the current disease prevalence, demographics, and risk factors for most commonly seen infectious diseases?

Study Design: Chart Review

Methods: Data collection occurred through a standardized SOAP note created prior to departure to insure accurate data collection. All statistical analysis was done using excel.

Results: Our team saw roughly 450 patients and our data demonstrates that among the most prevalent disorders treated were gastroesophageal reflux disease, musculoskeletal pain, parasitosis, and upper respiratory infections.

Conclusion: This information allows us to be better prepared on future trips with proper medications and resources to best aid the Ugandan people. Future research topics to investigate would be to analyze the progression of disease throughout the years at Sister Rosemary’s and other locations affiliated with the global health program.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 22 Aug 2020
EventOklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Research Day 2019 - Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, TULSA, United States
Duration: 21 Feb 201922 Feb 2019 (Open Research Oklahoma - OSU Center for Health Sciences - Research Day 2019)


ConferenceOklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Research Day 2019
Abbreviated titleResearch Day 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited States
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