An analysis of a 60 HZ AC Field on the stability and degranulation of rat mast cells

J. A. Price, R. D. Strattan

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Reports have indicated effects of emf on inflammatory processes in vivo. In a stepwise approach to separate and examine the many components of such responses, we created and tested a temperature controlled device to develop 5 mT 60HZ fields. These are often very damaging to cells, and was an initial point to test effects on mast cells, a cell type playing a key role in acute inflammation. The field was generated using a solenoid coil and tested with a probe to calibrate field strength. Tests were done usine both an "exposure then test", and a "test during exposure" protocols. Freshly harvested rat peritoneal mast cells were tested with exposures from minutes to 2 hours at 37 C showing no significant degranulation during treatment, nor reduced sensitivity to the degranulating agent 48/80. These observations are consistent with a model in which such processes are exclusively reflexive by the cells using field independent membrane systems. This analysis was needea before examining longer term exposures and is the first such report of in vitro exposure of mast cells under these conditions. These findings provide an important benchmark for a stepwise analysis of effects seen in vivo, and will allow study of cell types in acute inflammation most sensitive to up or down regulations by emf.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)A1287
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1996


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