Takeo Watanabe
- Boston University
- Department of Psychology
- Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
External person
Yuka Sasaki
- Harvard University
- Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
- Boston University
- Massachusetts General Hospital
External person
Satoru Miyauchi
- Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
- Boston University
External person
Matthew Nielsen
- Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
- Boston University
- Communication Research Laboratory
External person
Rayus Kuplicki
- Laureate Institute of Brain Research
- University of Tulsa
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research
- University of Tulsa
External person
T. Kent Teague
- University of Oklahoma
- Oklahoma State University
- School of Community Medicine
- Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Department of Psychiatry
External person
Patrick S.F. Bellgowan
- Laureate Institute of Brain Research
- University of Tulsa
- National Institutes of Health
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research
- Faculty of Community Medicine
External person
Rashmi Singh
- Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Oklahoma State University
- Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Dept. of Biochem. and Microbiology
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research
External person
Timothy B. Meier
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
External person
Jonathan Savitz
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research
- University of Tulsa
- Laureate Institute of Brain Research
- Laureate Institute for Brain Research
- Faculty of Community Medicine
- College of Health Sciences
External person